Saturday, June 18, 2005

Why would anyone want to prevent discussion of the benefits of marriage?

For decades, marriage has been under attack from economic, cultural, and political forces, and yet even today, most Americans get married, and no more than 41% of Americans who marry, ever get a divorce. Children of intact marriages fare better than their less fortunate peers. Prominent pundits compare those who protect and promote marriage in the public sphere to the "Taliban." Where does such hate come from? Why would anyone want to prevent discussion of the benefits of marriage?


Blogger SCIA said...


Thanks for stopping by and posting your comments on my blog.

How did you find out about my blog?

To answer your question of:

"Why would anyone want to prevent discussion of the benefits of marriage?"

Well, as you may of found out through your many discussions with the American public, preventing discussion is done because there are too many reasons to protect the definition of traditional marriage. I have asked the reverse question of what are the benefits of same-sex "marriages" and have gotten your usual beat around the bush answer of "we can love just like you" rhetoric.

Anyway, half the time I am responding to comments I learn more and more about our opponents psychy and it is pretty lost. We must all pray for them in the name of Christ and help them repent to his true Word.

In Him,

7:17 PM  

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